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How are the stroke experiences of these two women consistent or inconsistent with statistics about cardiovascular disease and stroke from your textbook? Bring up at least one fact and cite the page you found it on.

My Stroke of Insight by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor
Living With: Stroke
A recollection of experiencing a stroke by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor. The first few minutes will give you a little background info, but you DON’T need to watch the whole 20-minute clip.

The clip begins at minute 6:30 where she begins to describe her stroke experience. It continues for about 10 minutes – you don’t even need to watch all of that section to get the idea, but please do pay attention to at least 5 out of 10 minutes of the section between 6:30 and 15:40.

The experience and ongoing recovery from stroke of Marverel Loper. Watch the whole 5:57 minute clip.:

Then, please respond to the following questions:

Compare and contrast at least two similarities and two differences between the experiences, risk factors, and recoveries of the two women in these videos. Think in particular about their backgrounds and social factors that could make a difference in their experience or recovery. Address both the short-term experience of the stroke(s) when they took place and the long-term outcomes.

How are the stroke experiences of these two women consistent or inconsistent with statistics about cardiovascular disease and stroke from your textbook? Bring up at least one fact and cite the page you found it on.

Once you answer the prompt please respond to at least two of your peers’ posts. Each response should be at least 2-3 coherent and fully fleshed out sentences.
Responses to consider but you need not limit yourself to (nor do you need to address every question that follows):

Did they notice something that didn’t stand out to you initially?

Do you disagree with any of the factors identified as being a potential cause for the discrepancy between the two women?

Could there be some other explanations for the difference in their experiences that haven’t been proposed yet?

Is there anything else interesting you want to bring up about the parallels or differences between these two women’s experiences that you want to bring up?

Your response should be 500 words and include APA style reference to the book; podcasts or other material.