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Measure Strength of the Relationship. Because ‘father’s education revised’ and ‘mother’s education revised’ are at least ordinal data, which of the statistics used in Problem 8.3 is the most appropriate to measure the strength of the relationship; phi, Cramer’s V, or Kendall’s tau‐b? Explain your choice. Why are the Kendall’s tau‐b and Cramer’s V different?


Chi-Square, Strength, and Relationships Between Variables PEER RESPONSE DB 820

Develop a response the to post below. The reply must summarize the author’s findings and indicate areas of agreement, disagreement, and improvement. It must be supported with at least (2) scholarly citations in 7th Edition APA format and corresponding list of references.

References (in additional to the scholarly articles, you must include the following)
Morgan, G., Leech, N., Gloeckner, G., Barrett, K. (2013). IBM SPSS for Introductory Statistics. (5th Ed.). New York, NY

Refer to the chapters attached (mainly chapter 8).

Reply to D5.1 and D5.2 below (CF)

D5.1 Interpreting Chi‐Square. In Output 8.1 is the (Pearson) chi‐square statistically significant? Explain your answer and what it means. Are the expected values in at least 80% of the cells greater than or equal to 5? Explain how you know and why it is important.
In Output 8.1 is the (Pearson) chi‐square statistically significant? Explain your answer and what it means. Are the expected values in at least 80% of the cells greater than or equal to 5? Explain how you know and why it is important.

The results of the Chi-Square test in 8.1 show that the Pearson Chi-Square is 3.645 with a significance of .056. The requirement to achieve significance is <.05, meaning that it is not significant. It is close to achieving significance missing by only .006, but this means that the data is not reliable or able to be reproduced with a 95% or greater level of certainty.

This case is comparing math grades to gender. The distribution seen in this research is not indicative of any distribution outside of this study based on the Chi-Square, and it is not reaching significance. Breitsohl (2019) introduces structural equation models to overcome the challenges of variables with levels that are not evenly distributed. The ability to look at a larger scale of math grades could provide a more accurate picture instead of only looking at good or bad and high or low. All of the cells have a value of greater than five, allowing for accurate measurement of the responses. If a certain variable or level has less than five responses in a larger population, it might indicate that the levels are not appropriate.

D5.2 Measure Strength of the Relationship. Because ‘father’s education revised’ and ‘mother’s education revised’ are at least ordinal data, which of the statistics used in Problem 8.3 is the most appropriate to measure the strength of the relationship; phi, Cramer’s V, or Kendall’s tau‐b? Explain your choice. Why are the Kendall’s tau‐b and Cramer’s V different?

Because ‘father’s education revised’ and ‘mother’s education revised’ are at least ordinal data, which of the statistics used in Problem 8.3 is the most appropriate to measure the strength of the relationship; phi, Cramer’s V, or Kendall’s tau‐b? Explain your choice. Why are the Kendall’s tau‐b and Cramer’s V different?

Considering that both education variables are ordinal, a statistic that takes the levels into consideration must be used. Phi and Cramer’s V do not recognize the order of education. Morgan et al. (2013) note that Kendall’s tau-b considers the order of levels and interprets this through the strength of the relationship. This is important because it would be indifferent without the association between variables. Kendall’s tau-b is .572 and achieves statistical significance. This lets the researcher know that both education variables are correlated to the level of education and that the correlation is positive and strong.


Breitsohl, H. (2019). Beyond ANOVA: An Introduction to Structural Equation Models for Experimental Designs. Organizational Research Methods, 22(3), 649–677.

Keller, T., & Alsdorf, K. L. (2012). Every good endeavor: Connecting your work to God’s work. New York, NY: Dutton.

Morgan, G., Leech, N., Gloeckner, G., Barrett, K. (2013). IBM SPSS for Introductory Statistics
(5th Ed.). New York, NY

New International Version Bible. (2011). The NIV Bible. (Original work published 1978)