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How useful is the concept of either ‘style’ OR ‘iconography’ for the study of art and material culture? Answer using specific examples from Asia or Africa.




AS1: Précis (500 words, 10%) Choose a reading from either the required or recommended list. Write a précis in which you (a) summarise the author’s main argument; and (b) respond to it in a cri?cal manner.

This short essay should be roughly half summary, half cri?cal analysis. The first page typically summarises the argument and the second page analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the author’s argument, sources of evidence, and methodologies, and raises any remaining ques?ons.

AS2: Analysis (1000 words, 30%) Cri?cally analyse any one object or exhibi?on, using one of the approaches or methods discussed in the module. OR Cri?cally analyse any one artwork or exhibi?on, compara?vely using two of the approaches or methods discussed in the module.

AS3: Final Essay (1500 words, 50%) Address one of the following ques?ons, ensuring you address a different topic to your previous assignments

Assessment Weigh3ng (%)

Due Date (by 11:59pm) and marks released

Length (words) Assignment 1 (Précis) 10% 21th October 2019 (17th Nov 19) 500 Assignment 2 (Analysis) 30% 24th November 2019 (15th Dec 19) 1000 Assignment 3 (Essay) 50% 22rd December 2019 (25th Jan 20) 1500 Seminar Par3cipa3on 10%

1. Explore one object or a small group of objects that can be interpreted either as art or artefact.

2. How useful is the concept of EITHER ‘style’ OR ‘iconography’ for the study of art and material culture? Answer using specific examples from Asia or Africa.

3. How jus?fied is it to call connoisseurship a ‘science’?

4. Discuss the ‘Marxism’ of one art theorist or art historian.

5. Evaluate the importance of ‘orientalism’ to the study of the visual arts of Africa and/or Asia.

6. The Modernist characterisa?on of modernity must be challenged’ (Appiah (1992) In My Father’s House pp144-5). Discuss, using examples from an Asian or African context.

7. Are museums for objects or for people? Discuss the changing roles of museums and art galleries.

8. How has feminist art theory impacted the study of material and visual culture?