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Select three of the attributes and describe how each one may have influenced your life, thus leading to your own cultural identity. 50 words or more. 3 points


EDL 717




Instructions: Review the questions associated with chapter three and respond to each one. Always use 12 or 14 inch font, double-spaced, 8.5 by 11 inch document, and Microsoft WORD only. Points will be awarded based upon adequately addressing the questions and utilizing correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and APA style. Upload the completed assignment to canvas dropbox.

Preface: Culture is “the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought characteristic of a community or population” Coon, 2000 (textbook pg. 70). Sub-culture refers to “a social group with shared characteristics that distinguish it in some way from the larger group in which it is embedded” Bullivant, 1993 (textbook, pg. 70).

Review Figure 3.3 Socializing Agents That Transmit Culture (textbook, pg. 86). It depicts 12 attributes of culture that influence who we are.

(a) Select three of the attributes and describe how each one may have influenced your life, thus leading to your own cultural identity. 50 words or more. 3 points

When a teacher interacts with a student from a race, ethnicity, or culture different from his/her own, the result may create confusion, fear, stereotypic behavior, avoidance, suspicion, or a host of other emotions.

Read the critical incident below. Select option A, B, C, or D as the likely reason for the student’s reaction. Your choice is ___. 1 point

Of the following explanations, how might this behavior best be interpreted?

A. Tony was overwhelmed by all the attention and uncomfortable around someone in Mr. Tarbell’s position.

B. Tony was offended by what Mr. Tarbell said.

C. Tony’s friends likely motioned for him to come join them. Caught up in the excitement, he simply went on over to them.

D. Tony, embarrassed and not used to the praise he was receiving, especially from the school administration, left feeling uncomfortable.

(b) Explain/justify your choice. 30 words or more. 2 points

The Art Awards Ceremony

Tony, an African American high school student, had an interest in art that he pursued on his own by visiting museums, reading books, sketching, and painting. Much of his work reflected his African American heritage. Tony enrolled at midterm in the predominantly white JFK High School. He took an art class and was encouraged by his teacher to develop his talent. Tony entered several paintings in the school art show, received praise and attention for his work, and went on to enter the all-city show, where he also did well. The longtime principal of his school, a middle-aged European American, Mr. Tarbell, was present at the awards ceremony and was delighted that one of his students received rave reviews and an award. Congratulating Tony he said, “Good work, Tony. We are proud to have such a talented black student representing our school. You have an uncanny ability to paint.” Mr. Tarbell was surprised when Tony simply walked away from him with no comment.

What do you think is going on in this incident? From the 12 sources of cultural identity framework (pg. 86), what issues might help to explain Tony’s behavior? 50 words or more. 2 points