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Discuss and reflect critically upon the evidence that underpinned the themes that emerged from your experience of providing personalised care related to your experience providing this care, relationship, building trust, advocacy, agency, informed choice, communication, trauma informed care/ person centred care.

Critically reflect on how evidence and policy have informed your delivery of person-centred midwifery care using a case study of your choice’.

Intro to person:
Anne had no medical history. She had one previous abortion, which she explained that at the time she was not ready to be pregnant but this pregnancy was planned and she reported being very happy.
She was concerned as her twin brother has a genetic condition called Hurler Syndrome, she wanted to see if there is a genetic test that can be done as she didn’t want any risks being passed on to her baby.

– Later in her pregnancy, during a 28 weeks appointment, Anne revealed that her partner use to abuse her, he has not don’t it in a while but recently he is starting to get angry over little things- I asked her is she is safe now, does she want us to do anything about it. She said no she doesn’t want anything done about it but will inform us if it occurs again. I informed her that it will be documented in the system, however, her partner will not know that we know about this.

– One issue I had was covid-19, a lot of the antenatal appointments were carried out through the phone and I was not able to see her as much.

– During her 20 weeks’ scan, she was informed that her baby was on a lower centile and the placenta was lower anterior, I reassured her that she still has time for the placenta to move from her lower region and for the baby to grow- I made sure that extra scans are booked for her so we can keep a closer eye on her baby. After a month her placenta moved to high anterior.
– During 38th week scan, Anne was informed that her baby’s centile was within the normal range.
– Anne had a normal birth in birth centre- I was not able to make it to her birth as she gave before I got there.
– I saw Anne postnatally, she was in a good condition, had healthy baby boy, who was breastfeeding beautifully.

Intro to essay: 250 words
Introduce the main theme/s under your consideration linked to the case study that you will critically develop in this essay.
Where appropriate, you can use first person when needed- it is a personalised essay- you still needed to be critically analytical each time

Policy 750- 1000, policy analysis- (this is my chosen policy)
A critical discussion of one policy document that relates to your case. This section should include: What is policy and how does it link to the SDGs
The Policy Analysis triangle framework as a scaffold for this section:
• Context
• Actors
• Content

A national maternity transformation program, which is called Better Birth.
The vision of the program was based on the findings of women’s experiences in maternity care, it highlighted how they felt, how they’d like to see things changed. The overwhelming evidence that was gathered after talking to many women around the country was that they saw too many midwives, doctors and they felt they didn’t even know who the healthcare professionals were. The women highlighted how important it was for them to know who the professionals who was caring for them were and have close relationship with them. They feedback that they would like to be cared by just one midwife or a small group team. This would better meet their needs and identify the problems and provide a better service.
Following this feedback from women, the vision and plan of the better birth program was designed so that most women will receive continuity of the person caring for them before, during and after they had a baby. Thus, I will be looking into better birth for my background policy to better explain how continuity of care helped e provide a better care to Anne.

intro to what a policy is, link it to sustainable development goal, applying the policy analysis triangle, say: you are using this framework to structure your essay.
You can use subsections in the policy section itself, only pick out a theme that applies to your case, introduce what the purpose of the study is, for example if the main theme of your case is continuity is then focus on that one element, if it’s about safety then focus on that.
As long as you say that these re the elements that you are focusing on and using the policy analysis’s triangle as the framework,
How has policy impacted on you undertaking this project

Evidence: 1500 words

Discuss and reflect critically upon the evidence that underpinned the themes that emerged from your experience of providing personalised care
related to your experience providing this care, relationship, building trust, advocacy, agency, informed choice, communication, trauma informed care/ person centred care

What parts of the relationship were helpful in driving and delivering care, any limitations, reflect and discuss,
What is the evidence around continuity of care?
It is about your experience around personalised care
Professional development: 500 words
How has this case study enhanced your professional development and how will it impact on your future practice?
Be quite specific here and use supporting literature to underpin your writing where possible.

information giving and communication, multidisciplinary working conclusion summary.
Conclusion: 250 words
Able to demonstrate a thorough understanding relating to how policy and evidence can influence the provision of personalised perinatal care resulting in an insightful and original creative analysis. The associated professional developemnt reflection is evident and thorough.