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Assessment Criteria for each part of this assignment are as follows:Detailed financial appraisal that is appropriate to the level of information contained within the documentation on MyBeckett (45 marks).



Building Economics – Level 7 Module Semester 1 2020-2021

Assignment 1 – Coursework Brief

The assignment brief and instructions for presentation and submission are detailed below. There is no word count for this assignment as you may wish to submit this using a variety of formats including using procedures and systems within your workplace.
Students must submit an electronic version to the Turnitin portal on the Building Economics module on My Beckett, where it will be checked against plagiarism software. A print copy of the assignment is not required. The submission should be in accordance with the following

1) The submissions should be presented in the form of a report that would be presented as a Board level meeting briefing paper that would enable the Board members to distil key information quickly and make a decision based on the facts and risks detailed in the paper

2) The submission must be written in the third person throughout (use of I, me, my, you, your, etc. are not to be used).

3) Students must proof read their work before submission for good grammar, use of English, choice of words and spelling.

4) The assignments must be submitted by the due date and time to the Assignments Turnitin portal on My Beckett. Emailed attachments will not be accepted.

In week 11 of the module – you have been asked to research and prepare a bid for the land shown at Chapel Heath, Navenby, Lincolnshire. This is two plots of land with residential development and has received full planning permission. As a reaction to the recent announcement of an election and the need for a new approach to speed up housing construction that also reflects the climate change/sustainability agenda the Board has requested for this particular proposal to be presented with the financial breakdown you will complete in week 11, and the risks present that affect your recommendations in your report. You should include in your report a statement on modern methods of construction that might speed up the completion of the development and an indication of the additional costs of any sustainable construction design solutions you recommend

You DO NOT need to submit a bid in week 11 you should use the research time allowed to develop the material for this submission.

Assessment Criteria for each part of this assignment are as follows:

All questions carry equal marks

1. Format presentation and quality of the report (10 marks)

2. Detailed financial appraisal that is appropriate to the level of information contained within the documentation on MyBeckett (45 marks)

3. A detailed summary of the risk factors that relate to your recommended bid value for the site. You should state your reasoning behind the risks you identify. (45 Marks)