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Briefly describe the data analysis techniques used in these studies. Evaluate the differences in data format and data analysis methods between the studies.

Subject: Data Analysis For Business
Industrial Relations/Human Resource Management

Data Analysis Assignment

Critical analysis of the difference between a quantitative data collection technique and a qualitative data collection technique

Word count: 1,000 (excluding the reference list) and Harvard style


In this assignment, you will undertake critical analysis of the difference between a quantitative data collection technique and a qualitative data collection technique used in two separate business research studies in Industrial Relations/Human Resource Management recently published (last four years) in quality journals recognised by the ABDC (Australian Business Deans Council). The ABDC list is in ABDC Journal List (2019 v12)1.xlsx

You must select a research article that used a quantitative data collection technique and another that used a qualitative data collection technique. Each data collection technique in your selected research article must match one of the followings:
Quantitative data collection techniques
– Mail survey
– Online survey
– Telephone survey
– Face-to-face survey
 Qualitative data collection techniques
– Interview
– Focus group
– Participant observation

Section 1: Two articles listed in ABDC

Provide full references and the ABDC journal ranking category (rating A*, A, B or C) of each selected articles in this assignment. Pdf copy of the journals or the URL access link if a pdf copy is not available.

Section 2: Address the following questions in this assignment:
(Clearly label each question/sub-question you are answering in the assignment)

1. Analyse the rationale given by the authors for the technique employed in data collection in each of the business research studies. In your analysis, determine whether the data collection technique is appropriate in each study

2. Evaluate the differences in data collection procedure and instrument used in each of the techniques

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages reported by the authors in using the respective technique in data collection? Are there any advantages or/and disadvantages not reported by the authors? Assess how these disadvantages may negatively impact the study and recommend strategies to overcome or mitigate the impact from these disadvantages

4. Briefly describe the data analysis techniques used in these studies. Evaluate the differences in data format and data analysis methods between the studies

5. Critically assess secondary data as a substitute and as a supplement to data collected through the quantitative and qualitative techniques in the studies