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In your professional public health opinion, at what level should these factors be addressed: Individual; Household; Community; or Policy? Why did you pick this level to address these factors?


Before completing DQ 4, you should have listened to Lectures 8 and 9 and watched the video, “Housing is Everything”.

For your initial post on the DQ 4 Discussion Board, answer the following:

From the video “Housing is Everything,” besides housing, identify two factors discussed that are related to health. Specify how each of these factors might influence someone’s health and note how each factor could positively or negatively influence health.

In your professional public health opinion, at what level should these factors be addressed: Individual; Household; Community; or Policy? Why did you pick this level to address these factors?

Identify one possible population that may have disparate access to healthy and safe housing. Why do you think this population may be at a disadvantage relative to the general population?

Using Google Scholar, find one peer-reviewed journal article that addresses the following: the population you identified in question 3 and a particular health topic of your choosing. I encourage you to pick a population and health topic that are both interesting to you. There are almost limitless possibilities. Here are three very different examples: veterans and depression; Hispanic people and type 2 diabetes; older adults and falls. Cite the article as if you were putting it into a Reference section of a paper using APA format. Include a link to the journal article.