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Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of nutrition and eating for wellness. What should we eat to stay healthy and prevent chronic diseases? Why is it important to understand nutrition and how is your health affected by your nutritional habits?

Lab Report 3—Personal Nutrition Evaluation/Eating for Wellness

Explain the topic of nutrition and write about what you have learned from completing the Pre Nutritional Analysis, restaurant and supermarket activity. You are expected to include comparisons of sodium and sugar plus one additional nutrient of your choice that you have become aware of that could help you improve your personal wellness.

1. Introduction and Purpose: 10pts—Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of nutrition and eating for wellness. What should we eat to stay healthy and prevent chronic diseases? Why is it important to understand nutrition and how is your health affected by your nutritional habits? Include a Purpose Statement at the end of this section. *Note: this section should be at least one page. Note: Include two references in the introduction.

2. Comparisons of Pre and Post Nutritional Analysis: 5pts—Create a hypothesis by choosing what nutrients you are comparing. It is recommended to compare your total average amount of sodium and sugar, and one other nutrient of your choice from your pre analysis data as reported on to the daily recommended guidelines found in Chapter 11, 11th Edition and

3. Methods: 5 pts—List specific steps for completing this activity. What did you do? How was data collected and reported?

4. Results: 5 pts— What did you find? Include the results of the specific data you are comparing, i.e.; sodium, sugar, calories, etc. (Use a table, a chart, a graph with your specific results)

5. Conclusions: 5 pts–In this section be clear about your findings; answer each question using a well thought out conclusion.

• What was the outcome of your comparisons?
• What made your data collection methods reliable and results valid?
• What changes can you make from your Pre Nutritional Analysis?
• What behavior change will be needed for self improvement or maintenance.

6. Reflection: 15pts—This section should include a great deal (one full page) of information about what you have learned and intend to apply to your daily life to improve eating for wellness. What information from Chapter 11 and from your nutritional analysis has had the most impact on you? What have you personally learned about your eating habits and what changes, if any do you intend to incorporate into your daily eating pattern? If you do not intend to make any positive changes, what are the reasons why? Share some personal thoughts, changes, or future changes in your behavior that you plan to work on because of the information discovered in this report.

7. Format: 5pts— Followed Lab Report Requirements and instructions for this assignment, used correct spelling and grammar. Sentence format was clear and easy to follow. References