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Demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of the principles and limitations of measurement together with their application and presentation; data analysis and/or application of spatial data and information and evaluation of the presentation.

Words: 267
Pages: 1
Subject: Engineering

Learning outcomes

Code Description

LO2 Demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of the principles and limitations of measurement together with their application and presentation; data analysis and/or application of spatial data and information and evaluation of the presentation.

This assignment has been designed to develop quantification skills therefore specific items have been selected for measurement.

Scenario (Task 1 only)
You are an assistant quantity surveyor working for a medium-sized quantity surveying practice called ACT Associates currently engaged in a large complex construction project for a client who is new to the construction industry.

Sections of the project will be procured through the traditional procurement route and the client is now considering the design and build procurement route for other sections of the project.

As part of the traditional procurement route, you have been asked to take-off quantities for selected superstructure items to progress the preparation of tender documents.

The PDF drawings listed below are available on the VLE.

• D10103 – Summit Drive – Detail
• D10104 – Summit Drive – Ground Floor Plan
• D10111 – Summit Drive – Section A–A
• D10112 – Summit Drive – Elevation
• D10113 – Summit Drive – Truss profile and roof plan.

Task 1
To help prepare the tender documents, your manager has asked you to submit the following:

a. Marked up drawings of items measured;
b. Taking off list;
c. Query sheet;
d. Dimensions presented in a traditional format for all items listed below;
e. Bill of Quantities for the measured items.

List of items to be measured for the main building only:
• Internal block walls partition from ground floor level to the top of the first-floor slab only
• Plaster finish to block walls internal partition from ground floor level to the top of the first- floor slab only
• 2 coats painting to block walls internal partition from ground floor level to the top of the first floor only
• Wallplates
• Roof trusses
• Plasterboard ceiling
• 2 coats painting to ceiling
• Rainwater goods comprising:
 downpipes (2 nr);
 guttering;
 Pipework ancillaries (running outlet, offset bend, pipe shoe)
 connections to the gutter.
(Task 1 is equivalent to 1,200 words)

Specifications are on the drawings provided.

Do not measure the porch. Ignore the deductions of internal walls where the internal walls meet the ceiling and plasterboard

The measurement should consider the deduction for all door openings 2100 x 900mm in internal walls.

Task 2
In preparation for a strategic meeting with the client, your director has asked that you prepare a report that critically analyses the role of the consultant and contractor Quantity Surveyor with consideration of the measurement of construction work activities required for the preparation of tender documents as it applies to the design and build procurement route.

As part of your analysis, you will need to include an explanation of the importance of the briefing process with clear reference to the RIBA plan of work (2020).
(Approximate word count 800 words) Your report should include an introduction and a conclusion section.
An executive summary and a recommendation section are not required.

Additional Guidance for Task 1
You are required to produce the measure in a typed form – NOT handwritten.

You may use the Bill of Quantities and dimension paper template provided on the VLE to help you present your work in a traditional format. (The correct number of columns in an appropriate width.)

You will need a copy of a standard method of measurement (SMM) to complete this assignment.

Descriptions for all items must fully comply with the requirements of a Standard Method of Measurement (SMM) such as NRM2. Do not use abbreviations or shorthand descriptions.

UK-based students are expected to use NRM2 – Detailed Measurement for Building Works (2012). Students based overseas can choose to use either NRM2 or the latest edition of their local SMM.
Students opting to use an SMM other than NRM2 must obtain approval from … using the pro forma available in the assignment week on the module. Please upload the completed pro forma to Student Central as soon as possible.

Please note that if you are using a standard method other than NRM2, you need to:

• state this at the beginning of your answers to all measurement/taking-off questions;
• submit copies of the relevant sections of the SMM that you have used with your assignment.

This is important, otherwise an assumption will be made by the tutor marking that NRM2 has been used.

Reference list
You should include a reference list with a minimum of five separate relevant and appropriate sources that you have written about and cited within your work.
A bibliography of uncited sources is not required.
Further information to support you with this assignment is available within the study materials for this module on the… VLE. If you have any questions about this assignment, please contact your Module Tutor or Module Leader via the VLE.

Marking guidance for this activity
This guidance is designed to help you to do as well as possible in your assessments by explaining how the person marking your work will be judging it.

Your work will be assessed in relation to the requirements set out in the assessment criteria marking guide at the end of this document and the grading guidance section below.

It is recommended that you read both of these sections before starting your assessment to learn what will help you to achieve the highest marks. Once you have finished you should review the assessment before submitting it, to check you have done what is required to achieve the highest marks.

When you receive your feedback from your tutor you should clearly be able to see which categories you gained marks in and, where relevant, recommendations about how to improve your performance going forward.

Grading guidance
Threshold submissions should provide:
Task 1:
1. Adequate presentation of dimensions consistently with sufficient booking of dimensions, use of timesing, use of decimal places, use of underlining and correct squaring of calculations.
2. Adequate presentation of waste calculations and annotation of dimensions that is sufficient to be understood.
3. Adequate interpretation of the drawings and specifications to sufficiently identify the measured items.
4. Adequate use of the Q &A sheet to progress the measurement of the identified items.
5. Completeness of measure with some items missed.
6. Adequate use of description information on dimension sheets and BOQ following SMM requirements, to distinguish between items measured in the take-off.

Task 2:
1. Provide adequate critical analysis and insight into the design and build procurement route referred to in the scenario.
2. Demonstrate sufficient critical evaluation of the importance of the client’s requirement and the briefing process. Limited reference to the RIBA plan of work (2020).
3. Demonstrate an adequate understanding of the limitations of measurement activities.

Good submissions should provide the following in addition to the ‘threshold’ requirements
Task 1:
1. Presentation of dimensions consistently with the correct booking of dimensions, use of timesing, use of decimal places, use of underlining and correct squaring of calculations with few errors.
2. Clear presentation of waste calculations and annotation of dimensions which reflects the requirement to measure for different items.

3. Competent use of the Q &A sheet to ask relevant questions to progress the measurement of the identified items.
4. Competent interpretation of the drawing and specifications to distinguish the measurement requirements for most items.
5. Completeness of measure with only 1 or 2 items missed.
6. Consistent and correct use of description information on dimension sheets and BOQ following SMM requirements.

Task 2:
1. Provide good critical analysis and insight into the design and build procurement route referred to in the scenario.
2. Demonstrate competent critical evaluation of the importance of the client’s requirement and the briefing process with sufficient reference to the RIBA plan of work (2020).
3. Demonstrate competent understanding and insight on the role of the QS and the limitations of measurement activities.

Excellent submissions should provide the following in addition to the ‘Good’ requirements.
1. Clear, accurate and excellent presentation of dimensions and waste calculations with no errors in dimensions or waste calculations.
2. Completeness of measure with no items missed, but slight computational errors.
3. Excellent use of the Q and A sheet to progress the measurement of the identified items
4. Drawings clearly and neatly marked up to indicate the items to be measured.
5. Measured items accurately and completely described according to the SMM.
6. Ability to interpret the drawings and understand the specification for all items that need to be measured.