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Critically evaluate methods for identifying and meeting the development needs of people with reference to skills and knowledge required within their roles. (700 words)

Leading and developing people

Assessment Information

This assignment is an individual assignment.

You are applying as an intern in a medium sized firm of solicitors employing around 50 people. As an part of the recruitment process you have been asked to prepare a report on leading and developing people. This is the brief included in the recruitment process.

1. Give a brief overview of theories of team management and compare two important models (600 words)
2. Discuss techniques for monitoring and managing performance, for both teams and individuals (600 words)
3. Critically evaluate methods for identifying and meeting the development needs of people with reference to skills and knowledge required within their roles. (700 words)
4. How does a manager create a high performing team (600 words)

Word Count 2500

(2500 words)

You must underpin your rework with relevant academic literature and theoretical insights. In addition, you must cite relevant examples wherever possible and use the appropriate Referencing System.

There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after internal moderation) for work exceeding the word limit by 10% or more.
The word limit includes quotations and citations, but excludes the references list.
Criteria for Assessment:

Learning outcomes and content 60%
Use of resources and research 30%
Structure, style, language and presentation of work 10%

Pass mark is 40% for this module. See Add+ rubric for more detail

Learning outcomes
This assignment is designed to assess University learning outcomes:
1. Evaluate approaches to developing, managing and leading teams
2. Understand and critically analyse approaches to achieving a balance of skills and experience in teams
3. Demonstrate a knowledge of different techniques for leading individuals and teams to achieve success