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Discuss and describe how Telecommunicating has Revitalized HR.

Discuss and describe how Telecommunicating has Revitalized HR.

Your research paper should include the following –

Cover Page .50 (include assignment title, research topic name, your name, course, date)
Abstract (one paragraph summary of paper – see APA)-2 pts
Table of Contents .50 pt
Topic/Concept Definition 2 pts
Current Research on the subject (last 5 years) 3 pts
Workplace Trends/Practices 3 pts
Pros and Cons 2 pts
Key Learnings 2 pts
Conclusion 1 pt
References/Bibliography (no references over 5 years old – at least two journal articles) 1 pt
Appendix (if you have charts, graphs, or pictures)- may increase grade by 1 pt for inclusion