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Review the articles and choose those that provide a wide variety of perspectives on your topic. All articles must have a person or persons as the author. Article abstracts are helpful in this process.

Words: 260
Pages: 1
Subject: Management

IS 300 Annotated Bibliography
Format: APA citation for each of the 5 articles; single space the annotation, double space the citation; arrange the annotated bibliographies in alphabetical order by author.

1. Pick your topic. Be sure it has been approved. Your work for this class must be unique to this class.

2. Choose your sources. Utilize the resources of the UMBC library. Sources must be recent – no more than 5 years old unless they are being used as background information.

3. Review the articles and choose those that provide a wide variety of perspectives on your topic. All articles must have a person or persons as the author. Article abstracts are helpful in this process.

4. Write the citation and annotation. The complete citation should come first, and then the annotation to follow. Include the following for each annotation:

a. The reason for choosing this particular article (title was interesting; author is known to you; lots of others used this article in their work; etc.)
b. The purpose of the work
c. A summary of its content
d. For what type of audience the work is written – most are NOT written for the “general public”

e. Identify strengths, weaknesses, or biases in the material
Do not copy the abstract as the summary – use your own words to summarize in a few sentences the article’s main ideas.

5. The annotation is written in paragraph format – no bulleted lists.

6. Choose a wide array of sources –peer-reviewed journals, publisher-reviewed journals or conference proceedings may only be used for this assignment.

7. Include a cover sheet with your topic, name, and section.