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Explain how the article is related to a theory/concept presented in a particular chapter (the theory/concept must be explained, as well as how the article relates to that theory/concept).

Gender development in transgender preschoolers

Read the article carefully. Look up any words you don’t understand and make a list of the main points.
Start writing – there will be five parts of this assignment:
Create a cover page in APA style.**

Write an introduction to your review – this must contain the name of the author and year of publication – and include the thesis (main point, most important message) of the article – expressed in your own words.**
Summarize the content of the article you have read (the how and why). Use your own words as much as possible; if you must quote directly, use quotation marks; remember that you must use standard APA in-text documentation for both direct quotations and for information you have paraphrased from the article. This part of your assignment should be at least 300 words.

Explain how the article is related to a theory/concept presented in a particular chapter (the theory/concept must be explained, as well as how the article relates to that theory/concept).

Multiple theories/concepts and/or multiple chapters are encouraged. Make sure that you use in-text citations for the textbook, as well (see above). In addition, comment on the article’s usefulness to you as a researcher. What have you learned from this article? How has it changed your thinking? This part of the assignment should be at least 200 words.