Paper details:
Write an essay as directed below. This is more than just a list.
Provide the name of the library whose collection you used.
Choose an existing collection – a local public, school, or academic library.
Choose just one subject area or small collection to work with 2-3 shelving sections (100-150 books). If possible, obtain a listing of materials in those sections.
Assess the currency and relevancy of the existing materials. With a weeding or de-selection target of 20%, select titles for weeding.
50% of the titles that you select must be replaced with new, updated, or more appropriate titles. (Example: Your list of titles is 100. You must weed at least 20, but of those, find 10 replacement titles).
Pinpoint your methodology – MUSTIE? CREW? Other (if other, describe)
For each title weeded, provide the following information:
Bibliographic Information (Title & Author, Date of Publication, Publisher)
Reason(s) for Weeding: -Outdated or obsolete -Condition (dirty, moldy, and/or pages missing) -Lack of circulation -New edition available (List all that apply).
Finally, include a narrative paragraph that explains what you did and why. Describe the type of library and the condition of the collection as well as your observations and any problems you encountered.
Other Important Information:
12 point font (Times New Roman)
Normal margins
Font choice is up to you.
Total length is based on how many items you have analyzed. BUT, don’t make it less than 6 pages though.
As always, email, text, call, messacgoge if you have any questions.