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You are required to critically analyse relevant developmental theories and research, and apply this knowledge to suggest ways to manage developmental challenges as highlighted in your chosen case study.

Words: 580
Pages: 3
Subject: Psychology

Assignment Title
A critical analysis of developmental theory and research to explain and manage developmental challenges highlighted in a case study.
1. Critical essay: You are required to critically analyse relevant developmental theories and research, and apply this knowledge to suggest ways to manage developmental challenges as highlighted in your chosen case study.

2. Draw on the knowledge you have developed during this unit through your engagement with the learning material and further reading.

Case studies
Jamal Ahmed is a 15 year old from Syria who arrived to the UK two years ago with his mother, father and two younger siblings. He has enrolled at the local school and is coming to the end of year 10. He is able to speak some English and struggles to articulate his ideas. Although his English has improved, he struggles to understand what his teachers are saying and so cannot access the curriculum. He misbehaves in school for this reason. He is bright but because of his difficulties with English he has been placed in a lower ability group. He has made friends with some of the children in this group. Although Jamal has experienced these difficulties at school, he is a confident boy who has settled in quite well at school and the teachers like him. When he first started school, he also expressed his hope to become a lawyer.

Jamal’s school friends are not the only children he socialises with. He is friends with a number of boys from the local mosque and plays football with them once a month. He does not see them very often because he does not attend the local mosque regularly. He spends most of his time with his school friends and has recently been going to shisha bars with them. His parents are aware of this and disprove of him going so they often argue. Jamal’s parents believe he is setting a bad example for his younger siblings who they believe look up to him. Additionally, his parents want him to do well at school. He told them of his hopes of becoming a lawyer and they refer to this often and expect him to work hard to achieve this. Jamal feels that he should obey his parents’ wishes and fulfil his obligations to support his parents by becoming a lawyer. However, Jamal does not always study due to his difficulties accessing the curriculum and he has not told his parents about his difficulties. His parents assume he is doing well because he seems happy otherwise.

More recently, Jamal’s romantic interest has increased because he sees his friends and peers dating. He is aware that his parents would disapprove of a relationship. Jamal is struggling with his feelings of being left out and being different from his group of friends, and not letting his parents down.
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

This assignment will be assessed against the unit learning outcomes (LOs):
1. Critically examine psychological theories of human development.
2. Apply developmental concepts and theories to real world contexts.
3. Critically evaluate the methods and findings of key research studies in development.
4. Critically consider different approaches to managing developmental challenges.

Therefore, the critical essay with reflection should:

1. Highlight the developmental challenges from the case study
2. Identify and critically analyse relevant developmental theories (LO1) and research (LO3) that can be applied to your chosen case study (LO2)
3. Use the above knowledge to critically consider the different ways to manage the developmental challenges (LO4) highlighted in the case study