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Understand the importance or not in the skill of drawing in art and design in primary education and across all subjects. How drawing is the initial skill learnt/developed by young children in the form of mark making.

Words: 225
Pages: 1
Subject: Education


Understand the importance or not in the skill of drawing in art and design in primary education and across all subjects. How drawing is the initial skill learnt/developed by young children in the form of mark making.

How this skill is replaced with the skill of writing and given a greater importance in writing and why?.

How learning and progressing drawing in primary education has various benefits or not. It can add to children’s lack of confidence not having self belief in being able to draw and therefore adding to their insecurities.

Discussing the lack of guidance in the current national curriculum for art and design primary, and how this may effect how drawing is not a focus. How it may also effect a teachers own confidence, with lack of subject knowledge and no guidance from NC and overall leave drawing behind as a skill. How a teacher embracing drawing, its skill and benefits it may have cross curricular in primary education.

Use current Ofsted subject research reviews for art and design, and how this may influence art and design and in particular the how the skill of drawing could move forward in primary education as a result of Ofsted.

Need more research into the barriers to art education at primary level and what effect this may be having on our children.