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Examine Mins critically with appropriate reference to the social and cultural…Ms and diversity of contemporary society. and explain how different social groups variously make use of, and engage with films.

For this assignment you will produce an Individual portfolio of work wh. comprises .o parts: an orlolnel 5-8 page screenplay and a 2000 word critical reftettlen on your development process.
The 5-8 papa screenplay should: • Engage with a chosen film genre. or genre hybrid.

• Present a contained story which reflects the structures. characters and [heroes of the chosen genre

• React to the needs and expectations of a diverse contemporary society.

• The screenplay should be correctly formatted mowing the industry standard gulaeunes (.10 will be available via Boghtspace). you do not have to realise the …lay: this is an opportunity for you to use your imagination to satisfy the requirerneas of the brief.

The crilkel re… 2000 words (5/- 10%) should, • Situate your screenplay within the chosen film genre/genre hybrid. • It should demonstrate an awareness of the historical, social and cultural context of the chosen genre. • Examine your creative choices in relation to your chosen genre and your screenplay • Reflect upon the intended impact of your screenplay on an audience.
A 70 rrod, .1, • …,•,■•eu, ,11001 700 hn to rormslot• Formal contact hours in lectures. workshops and seminars take a proportion of this time and the remainder should be spent in preparation for these. private reading end study. and the completion of formative and surnmative asseument tasks.


The screenplay comprises 8096 of the overall mark and will be assessed on the following criteria:
• Critical engagement with a chosen film genre (11_01) • Demonstrates the development of creative Ideas and concepts KO 2)

• Recognises and app. film fonns and structures OLO 3) • Formatting and editing (11,13) crilkel reflection comprises 10. of Ne overall rnark and will be assessed on the following criteria:

• Examines a chosen fi. genre criticatty wiN appropriate reference to Ne historical, social and cultural contexts. KO 1)

• Examines the development of your creative ideas in relation to your chosen genre a their intended impact on audiences. (11.0 2 3, 3)
This assessment will be given a single mari, out of 10073.
This assessment will address Intended Looming Outcomes:

1. Examine Mins critically with appropriate reference to the social and cultural…Ms and diversity of contemporary society. and explain how different social groups variously make use of, and engage with films

2. Demonstrate the development of creative ideas and concepts based upon secure research strategies.

3. Produce work which recognises film forms and structures and explain their impact on audiences Fort.. Assessment You will b CopSoted to preseAMMINIII.•RPINay idea in the seminars on 50,