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Discuss if the changes in the price of the commodity chosen is related to changes in the price of oil, using a correlation or simple regression analysis to show the relationship between the price of the commodity and oil price. (Discuss the statistical significance of the relationship).

Structured guide for Assessment one:

This is in addition to the points discussed in class regarding assessment one.
Clearly and concisely write an introduction of the report requirement/content.
(Introduce the commodity of your choice and what you will be doing)
Slide 1: Choose a specific commodity e.g., Grains, Potatoes, Oranges, Gold and Precious Metals. Discuss the commodity and it’s relevant globally. (You can include the picture of the commodity).

Do not choose finished product as a commodity. You will fail this module if you choose a wrong commodity. Please follow this link to choose a commodity.

Slide 2: Using some tables or statistical representation, discuss how the price for this commodity is changing in the past 10 years. (one slide for the table/statistical representation and another slide for discussion note)

Slide 3: With statistical representation, discuss the changes in world oil prices for the past 10 years and how it relates to the commodity you have chosen. (one slide for the table/statistical representation and another slide for discussion note. Do same for all)

Slide 4: Discuss if the changes in the price of the commodity chosen is related to changes in the price of oil, using a correlation or simple regression analysis to show the relationship between the price of the commodity and oil price. (Discuss the statistical significance of the relationship).

Slide 5: Discuss any other factors (including substitutes, complementary goods or other factors affecting demand and supply) that have impacted on the price of the commodity chosen. Using Diagram, show how substitutes and compliments commodities/products have impacted on the price of your chosen commodity.

Slide 6: Apply the concept of Demand and supply analysis to your discussion using diagrams. Apply the concept of Elasticity of demand and supply using diagram.
Conclusion: Summarise your findings and make some inferences.