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Explain the importance of the Constitution and the structure of the government it creates to the preservation of individual rights.

Words: 347
Pages: 2
Subject: Sociology


For this course, you will complete a Service Learning Project (SLP) that will include volunteer hours and ten-entry reports about your efforts. Any type of volunteer work is acceptable for this project, so long as it is serving the needs of the larger community in some way.


Number of Required Hours to Volunteer:

You are expected to volunteer a total of 21 hours. Specific hours volunteered are not required to be formally documented, however, it will not be possible to write a quality Project Report for your assignment if one does not complete this volunteering.

References and citations from the assigned course materials are required. A minimum of 14 unique citations from the assigned readings, not the videos or reports, are expected in your SLP.

Important Assignment Guidelines: Not following these guidelines will have a negative impact on your grade.

1. Write in Arial font, size 14
2. Always name the author whose ideas you are discussing (use the author’s full name the first time you refer to him/her; after that, identify authors by their last names).
3. Provide in-text citations for all ideas, opinions, and facts derived from the assigned course readings, whether you simply refer to them, paraphrase them (put them entirely into your own words), or quote them. Place the in-text citation at the end of your sentence but before the period that ends your sentence. The in-text citation should give the author’s last name (unless you’ve used it already in your sentence), the year of publication (if known), and the appropriate page number(s) from the reading (if page numbers are used in the online text of the essay). Do not use the title of the reading unless it does not have an author).
Here’s an example of a citation for a Thomas Paine reading for Week 1: (Paine, 1776).
Here’s an example of a citation for a John Locke reading for Week 2: (Locke, 1689, pp. 46-47).
4. Provide a References list at the end of your essay that includes bibliographic references for every reading cited in your essay.
Note: Your references list does not count toward your minimum word count.
Center the word References (do not underline it, place it in quotation marks, or place it in bold or larger size font).
• Present your references, listed alphabetically by author’s last name.
• Follow APA formatting guidelines for your list. The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) offers excellent detailed explanations of APA Format requirements.

Note1: The first line of the reference begins at the left margin. All subsequent lines should be indented one tab.

Note 2: Do not include bibliographic references for any reading not
cited in your essay.

Entry 1: “Selection of the Service Learning Project.”

Write an entry of 400 words minimum on why you chose your project. Discuss the life or work experiences that may have influenced your selection, including whether these experiences were positive or negative. Consider how issues of community, government or individual responsibility, leadership, productivity, problem-solving, work ethic, and/or ambition might have affected your project selection. Most importantly, explain why your project is important to you, as well as to the larger community. Include two unique citations from the assigned articles in this paragraph.

Entry 2: Write an entry of 400 words minimum explaining how your project relates to at least two of the course objectives. See the complete list of course objectives in the course syllabus (these can be found on the last page of this document). Be sure to explain why you think these objectives are important. Label this entry “Service Learning Project Objectives.” Include two unique citations from the assigned articles in this paragraph.

Note: The purpose of this entry is not to tell what you think the objective of your SLP is; rather, it is to relate your project to the course objectives (which are found in the course syllabus).

Entries 3-4: Narrate your experiences on the project. Synthesize ideas from the course readings in entries 3-4. You may reference ideas from earlier phases in the course, as well as up to four additional non-course assigned sources you have found in your own research. Cite at least 2 articles and/or readings from course in these entries.

Entries #3 through #4 discuss your experiences as a volunteer. These paragraphs can be redundant. To avoid repeating yourself, examine closely how your experiences align or reflect the main ideas or themes found in the week’s assigned reading documents. For example, when Jefferson posits the American ideal that, “all men are created equal,” did your experience as a volunteer find this to be the case? Why or why not? Also, examine the organization you volunteered at from the perspective of the organization’s client (or those who used the organization for assistance). You can also examine the organization from the perspective of those who are employed or leadership positions. Why are they working here? What motivates them? Also, you can examine why others, like you, volunteer at the organization. Finally, what do outsiders, or those that know of but are not involved in the organization think of the organization? Is it helpful? Does it serve a purpose? If so, what purpose does the organization serve? Finally, how does society benefit, or not, from the efforts of those involved in the organization’s mission?

• A minimum of 500 words must be written for each entry.
• Entries should simply be labeled with the appropriate entry

Course Objectives

Students who successfully complete this cluster should be able to:

1. Analyze the importance of such values as justice, dissent, and equality to the functioning of republican government.

2. Explain the importance of the Constitution and the structure of the government it creates to the preservation of individual rights.

3. Reflect on the relevance of the values discussed to their work and personal lives.

4. Assess the benefits of changes in race and gender equality for the individual and governance.

5. Synthesize ideas about the challenges posed, to the individual and to governance, by globalization and immigration.

6. Assess the impact of large changes in modern society on their work and personal lives.

7. Explain the relationship between engaged citizenship and the functioning of a republican form of government.

8. Synthesize ideas about the duty of individual citizens to promote engaged citizenship.

9. Assess the impact on their communities of their own acts of engaged citizenship.