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Demonstrate understanding of the BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions

Assignment Brief

Programme of Study: FdSc in Person-Centred Counselling
Module Code / Module Title: CY104 – Professional Practice and Ethics
Assignment Title: Why does counselling require professional standards and an ethical base?
Value of Assignment: 100% of final Module Grade
Module Core Tutors:
Assignment Hand-out Date: Week 2 Term 2
Assignment Hand-in Date/Time: Week 9 Term 2

Assessment Rationale / Aims:
This module examines the range of ethics that underpin good counselling practice. It provides students with an opportunity to examine their own moral standards and how these may prejudice them toward others. The tasks for engaging in counselling work are also explored.

Learning Outcomes (LOs) for the assignment

1. Demonstrate understanding of the BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions
2. Discuss a range of ethical issues which may be encountered in counselling practice
3. Understand the purpose of supervision and the roles and tasks in supervision
4. Understand the importance of Evidence-Based (EB) practice and research in counselling practice

The Brief (general description of the coursework requirements)

A 2500 word essay that will reflect your understanding of the moral and ethical issues that may affect counselling practice. The essay should be balanced between your theoretical knowledge, learning in the module and your own personal experiences.

1. Introduction
Summarise what you will cover in your work
Suggested word count 150 words

2. (LO1)
Demonstrate your understanding of the values and principles that underpin counselling work and qualities of a counsellor in relation to the BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions. Ensure acknowledgement of your own moral and ethical views and how these might complement or challenge the values/principles of the BACP framework.
Suggested word count – 550 words

3. (LO2)
Include a range of ethical issues which may be encountered in counselling practice. Relate this back to the framework above, how might the framework help you to navigate these particular ethical issues.
Suggested word count – 550 words

4. (LO3)
Give some description of different types of supervision models and the roles and tasks involved in these. What is the purpose of supervision?
Suggested word count – 450 words

5. (LO4)
Show your understanding of Evidence-Based (EB) practice and how it applies to person-centred counselling and counselling generally. A basic understanding of types of research and research methods needs to be demonstrated in your essay and why research is important to maintain and develop good counselling practice.
Suggested word count – 400 words

6. Own Life Experiences and Knowledge
In all academic work on the Foundation Degree you are required to use your own life experiences and knowledge to highlight and show your understanding of any theoretical topic. The proportion of life experiences and knowledge you include in your academic essays will make up 10% to 15% of the total content of your essay
Suggested word count- 250 words

Using your own knowledge and life experiences is usually done in one of two ways;
It can be added along with different theoretical aspects as you are writing about them.
You could have a distinct sub-heading describing relevant personal experiences.

7. Conclusion
What are your key findings from the work, what have you covered? Refrain from adding new content to a conclusion, this should only be what you have already written about in summary form.
Suggested word count – 150 words

Important things to remember when writing your essay
● Address all of the learning outcomes given at the top of the brief. Failing to do so will result in you failing the assignment.
● Use the correct format for writing academic essays – more on this below.
● Your work needs to include academic references to theory from published literature. This may include citations and/or direct quotes.
● You will be given a hand-in time and date for your essay. contact the tutor team if you think you will not be able to meet the deadline to discuss possible alternative arrangements.
● Assignments need to be submitted online as indicated by the tutor team. It is your responsibility to ensure that you submit the correct version of your work.

To move forward into Year 2 students need to score 120 credits for this academic year. There are 5 modules in Year 1: 3 Theory modules of 20 credits each and 2 Skills modules one of 20 credits and one of 40 credits each of which have to be passed to progress. There is a small amount of leeway on this in as much as a student may be allowed by the Examination Board to trail 20 credits (when a student has failed a 20 credit module) from Year 1 to Year 2 to and still progress.

More information about this is available in the student handbook

Where grades are classified as follows:
Distinction | 70 – 100% = A – The criteria have been met at an outstanding/excellent level of achievement.
Merit | 60 – 69% = B – The criteria have been met at a high/commendable level of achievement.
Pass | 50 – 59% = C – The criteria have been met at a good/competent level of achievement.
Pass | 40 – 49% = D – The criteria have been met at a basic/satisfactory level of achievement.
Fail | 30 – 39% = E – The student has failed to meet the criteria.