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Review a past Entertainment Education campaign that has addressed a health or social issue and apply communication theory to analyze how/why this campaign was effective.

Review a past Entertainment Education campaign that has addressed a health or social issue and apply communication theory to analyze how/why this campaign was effective. (4 complete pages minimum)

You are to pick a past entertainment education (EE) campaign — either a TV show or a movie that addresses a health or social issue — and write a 4-page paper about how it addresses the issue(s), what communication theory/theories apply to the campaign (show or movie) as it addressed the issue(s), how/in what ways it succeeded or didn’t in addressing this issue. You can draw on outside sources in your analysis of the campaign but I primarily want to hear your thoughts and ideas.

IMPORTANT: Your paper can NOT be on any of the campaigns (productions) we discussed in our group exercise from the first night of class. NO .

4 COMPLETE pages: you can go a little over if needed but four COMPLETE pages is expected at a minimum. Don’t take up a quarter of the page with the title and author and class information. That doesn’t count as part of your page count nor do your sources.

Double spaced

Times Roman 12 point type

1 inch margins on ALL four sides (including the bottom of the page)

submit as a Word or PDF file by the beginning of class (7 p.m.) on the evening it is due.

Things that should be covered in your paper:

Name of the campaign (TV show or movie) you chose

Health or social issue(s) addressed by it (make sure it really is a health or social issue)

How the campaign addresses the issue(s)

What communication theories apply to the campaign and how?

Analysis of how effective the campaign is or isn’t in addressing the issue