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Develop a scenario planning report for firms operating in the field defined by the activities of Amazon-Walmart.

Global Strategic Marketing- Scenario Planning Project based on Companies Amazon & Walmart

PPT – 6 slides
Word Document report – 3000 words (based on the 6 slides)


Acting as a Consultancy to a firm same as Amazon & Walmart for next 15 years you have to:

1. develop a scenario planning report for firms operating in the field defined by the activities of Amazon-Walmart

2. recommend a generic global strategic marketing strategy for a firm in this field

Testing the scenario:
1. How useful would it be to a CEO?
2. How consistent is it?
3. How archetypical (general) is it?
4. Does it describe an equilibrium?

You should consider such factors as: ( 6 slides should be based on these factors)
1. The regulatory environment
2. Economic conditions
3. Social conditions
4. Cultural conditions: consumer and organisational
5. Technological innovation
6. Global and local competitive structures

• In the assignment you need to consider where firms such as Amazon and Walmart will be operating in the future:
• Will they be able to operate on the same global level as they operate today? (Retail outlets / supply chains)
• Will the institutional environment be too challenging?
• Will there be fewer or more economic opportunities internationally?
• Will consumers be more cosmopolitan or more ethnocentric?

The Scenario building process must cover the 3 stages:
Stage 1:
• Scope
• Stakeholders
• Trends
• Uncertainties
Stage 2:
• Themes
• Consistency
• Relevance

Stage 3:
• Further Research
• Modelling
• Convergence

Scenarios based on:
• Questions:
A. What do we know?
B. What is unknowable?
• Representing:
A. Continuity
B. Shifts
• Such as:
A. Demographic projections based on past and current trends
B. 2024 US Presidential Elections

The report:
The report should be in a proper format with content page and flow without plagiarism.
Section 1: Scenario Planning Report Critique the report based on the 6 slides
You should focus on: 1. Market analysis: trends, uncertainties etc
2. Global strategic marketing recommendations
This section is of 1,500 words.
Section 2: Theoretical Discussion Building on section 1, you should evaluate ‘institutional distance’ as a framework for examining and explaining global strategic marketing activity. This section is worth of 1,500 words.

Section 3: Appendix This should contain the Group PowerPoint slides presented. Other supporting material such as a word document containing a supporting narrative and excel spreadsheets, graphs and charts to be included
Note: Use Times New Roman, font 12 and with 1.5 spacing. This word limit includes diagrams, tables. You should acknowledge data sources and provide references where appropriate. This may be drawn from a variety of sources. You are expected to clearly identify these source

The report should clearly identify the reason why you have reached your assessment and conclusions. All work should be supported by relevant data and clearly stated assumptions and suppositions. For example, if you do not consider technological innovation an important factor justify this through supporting material and/or clearly argued statements. This may be drawn from a variety of sources. You are expected to clearly identify these source

Few Sources to use:

Sven Hollensen Title: Global Marketing
Nicholas Alexander and Anne Marie Doherty Title: International Retailing
Geoffrey Jones Title: Multinationals and Global Capitalism
1. Kostova, T., Beugelsdijk, S., Scott, W.R., Kunst, V.E., Chua, C.H. and van Essen, M., 2020. The construct of institutional distance through the lens of different institutional perspectives: Review, analysis, and recommendations. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(4), pp.467-497.
2. Kostova, T., and Zaheer, S. 1999. Organizational legitimacy under conditions of complexity: The case of the multinational enterprise. Academy of Management Review, 24(1): 64–81.
3. Stevens, C.E., Xie, E. and Peng, M.W., 2016. Toward a legitimacy‐based view of political risk: The case of Google and Yahoo in China. Strategic management journal, 37(5), pp.945-963.
4. Puck, J.F., Holtbrügge, D. and Mohr, A.T., 2009. Beyond entry mode choice: Explaining the conversion of joint ventures into wholly owned subsidiaries in the People’s Republic of China. Journal of International Business Studies, 40(3), pp.388-404.

For theoretical aspects :

• Economic explanations
• How does Dunning’s Eclectic Paradigm help explain the international activities of the firm?
• Most recent comprehensive restatement of the Eclectic Paradigm to be found in Dunning and Lundan (2008)
• Institutional distance is a construct which helps to explain how firms operating in different national markets encounter contrasting institutional environments in the firm’s home market (in which they will be embedded) and those host markets in which the firm operates
• From a strategic marketing perspective this has fundamental implications for how firms manage their presence in a market and how they communicate with stakeholders across markets
• It has fundamental importance for the decision to adopt a global marketing strategy or a multinational marketing strategy
• Institutional distance is a construct that acknowledges contextualisation of economic activity within social structures.
• The antecedents of institutional distance lie in political economy and economic sociology.