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Select a diagnosis/chronic condition that is likely to have accompanying health and wellness-related challenges and develop a program to meet the health & wellness needs they identify.

Select a diagnosis/chronic condition that is likely to have accompanying health and wellness-related challenges and develop a program to meet the health & wellness needs they identify.


Begin paper by providing background information regarding the diagnosis/condition chosen and identify accompanying health and wellness-related needs they perceive these individuals to have based on their research of the condition (citations required to support the need for program development).

Diagnosis condition – Diabetes mellitus (You can also choose another if you wish)

Then describe a health and wellness intervention/program they might want to develop for people with this diagnosis within the context of occupational therapy.

The program should align with our scope of practice as outlined in the occupational therapy practice framework. (attached)

The program should be grounded in at least one occupation therapy theoretical model and one interprofessional health and wellness model, and supported with scholarly citations (i.e. books and or journal articles).

Theoretical Model Options are attached within PDF titled Introduction to Health & Wellness

Interprofessional Health & Wellness Model Options –

Program descriptions should include: resources required for program start up, a plan for screening clients/assessing readiness for change, overall programmatic goals, program format (including frequency/duration), a sample lesson/treatment activity, any anticipated adaptations (e.g. enlarged print for those with anticipated visual impairment etc.), and methods for program evaluation/outcome measurement.

– If your program mirrors one that has already been developed for another population, reference the literature pertaining to the efficacy of that program and provide a rationale for why you feel that program might be efficacious in the population you have chosen.

Lastly, provide a critique of the strengths and weaknesses of your proposed program.

The paper should consist of at least 4 pages of double-spaced narrative text, plus a title/reference page (therefore at least 6 pages in total), all formatted in APA style.