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Describe one specific need for Tom and explain how goal setting can contribute to the satisfaction of that need.

Words: 379
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

You are required to read ‘Tom’s story’ which relates to wellbeing and resource management. Using information from the story and your class notes

1. Examine the relationship between the factors that affect wellbeing with specific reference to the impact on Tom’s well-being. (6 marks)

2. Describe one specific need for Tom and explain how goal setting can contribute to the satisfaction of that need. (5 marks)

3. Explain how the following factors may influence the availability of and access to resources for Tom.
i) age
ii) gender
iii) socioeconomic status
(6 marks)

4. As his exams get closer, Tom may find he does not have enough resources (eg time and energy) to study and do everything else he has to do.
Propose and evaluate strategies Tom and his family could adopt to effectively manage his resources. (8 marks)

Tom’s Story
Tom is 17 years old starting Year 12 at his local high school in Dubbo. He studies the following 2 unit subjects: Maths, Physics, Biology, English, PDHPE and Drama.

Tom lives with his mum and his two brothers, aged 8 and 13 years old. His dad died 3 years ago from a heart attack. His mother’s parents live in Dubbo also.

When Tom was 12 years old, his family spent a year living in Africa, while his parents worked as volunteers abroad.
Tom and his family live on a property that is a one hour bus trip from school, so they must leave home at 7.30am and get back from school at 4.30pm. Tom works on the family property in the afternoons and each Saturday; this is required to help his family keep the property that has been in the family for 3 generations and it helps him earn money to buy a second-hand car for when he goes to University next year.
Tom is also expected to help prepare the family meals and do some housework, as his mother works long hours as a doctor in town. However, she also employs a housekeeper (1 day a week) and an ironing lady.
Tom feels that he should play a responsible role in the care of his two younger brothers and provide them with a positive male role model.
Tom wishes to go to university and become a doctor specialising in cardiology but would also like to work overseas in less developed countries.