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Discuss your growing understanding of qualitative and quantitative methods.

Words: 283
Pages: 2
Subject: Social studies

Assessment item 1 – Essay


Discuss your growing understanding of qualitative and quantitative methods; use examples from research reports/studies to highlight how these different methods approach social issues; find through the library one qualitative study and one quantitative (they can be on the same or different topics) . For this essay you are expected to reference various sources to help inform your discussion of these two methods (use the readings, your text book and the library data base 


This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

* be able to demonstrate a critical understanding of various research methods

* be able to critically evaluate research reports

This assessment task enables the student to demonstrate their critical understanding of various social research methods (Learning outcome 1).

Assignment 1 – The grade range LMH refers to low med & high

Overall mark and grade – /40  %


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The essay should be organised clearly and logically, and neatly presented. This includes correct spelling punctuation. Sub-headings or dot-points should not be used. Assignments must be well researched and referenced in APA7. Give a clear introduction and conclusion. Do not use long quotes.

The following are expected:

* Assessment topic clearly stated

* 12 point font

* 1.5 or 2 line spacing

* page numbers

* Referenced in APA 7th edition

* Submit only in Word format (do not use pdf or other formats)

Word length
The set word length provides an indicator of the expectations regarding depth and breadth of coverage of the topic. It is always a challenge to concisely present the essence of what you have learned from reading several sources. Although you should attempt to stay within the word limit you may go over or under by 10%