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Discuss how your role model’s leadership style promotes professional practice and quality care.

Words: 317
Pages: 2
Subject: Nursing

Assessment Purpose:

This assessment task is designed to help you develop leadership skills and apply these to your everyday role. As a registered nurse, you will be expected to lead and manage others effectively in a variety of situations to improve care outcomes and within your professional scope of practice. Providing leadership to others, during various clinical situations and environments, requires a sound understanding of various theoretical and practical approaches relevant to leadership. Assessment


In this assessment, you are required to write an 1800 word (+/- 10%) essay using literature to support your discussion. This must include an introduction (approx. 150 words), main body (approx. 1500 words) and conclusion (approx. 150 words). Ensure you review the marking guide (marking rubric) closely to ensure you have addressed all elements of the assessment task.


Assessment Task

There are numerous leadership styles used in nursing, all of which impact on the quality of care provided and, ultimately, patient outcomes. Five commonly used styles in nursing include: transactional leadership; transformational leadership; democratic leadership; authoritarian leadership and laissez-faire leadership.

1. Choose three of the above listed leadership styles. Critically analyse each of your chosen styles by examining the benefits and limitations of each. Identify clinical situation(s) where the leadership style/s may be appropriate and provide your rationale (approx. 750 words).

2. Choose a nursing role model from your previous clinical placement or workplace (e.g., a preceptor, nurse manager, associate nurse unit manager, senior registered nurse, clinical support nurse or educator). Briefly introduce your role model by including their position and the clinical context in which you worked with them (ensure you maintain their anonymity). Identify the leadership style or styles they use and describe their behaviours and actions that demonstrate the style(s) (approx. 250 words).

3. Discuss how your role model’s leadership style promotes professional practice and quality care. Include the NMBA Registered Nurse Standards for Practice and other literature to support your discussion (approx. 500 words).