AOral Presentations on Sallaz & Groups of Students for Sallaz Chapter 7 (pp 134-156)
If you have a notes, power-point and other materials from your presentation, please upload those after the oral presentation to the class.
In making your presentation, you will be evaluated based on:
1. Clarity of speaking;
2. Organization of material:
First, tell us what you will say, second, tell us, and third, tell us what you told us;
Clarity of argument, outline of different sides or positions, Sallaz’ concepts defined
3. Illustrate ideas and concepts with stories included in the chapter.
4. Establish rapport with the audience by asking questions, using examples from your experience or from popular culture;
5. Visuals are compelling and connected (Eszter Hargittai’s Slide Presentation Tips and Tricks Page copy.pdf Download Eszter Hargittai’s Slide Presentation Tips and Tricks Page copy.pdf);