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Discuss what specific parts of the lesson might be challenging for students and how you might help them overcome these obstacles.

Words: 240
Pages: 1
Subject: Mathematics

During the course of this semester we have discussed many topics that are covered in elementary
mathematics. One of the big takeaways from this class is that there are many ways to present and
explain any topic in math, along with many methodsis to solve any given problem. The aim of this final
project is to assess your ability to analyze different methods of instruction and your ability to integrate multiple methods into one lesson, note that you are not expected to put together a written lesson plan, lesson planning and use of curriculum standards is outside the of this course.

You will present your findings by giving the class with a live mini-lesson. You are to choose a single topic from the mathematics curriculum Of NYC elementary (Grade I For this topic you are to
present 3 methods Of instruction.

These examples could be from textbooks, curriculum guides, teacher blogs. youtube tutorials, etc.

Explain how you might draw from each of the methods to create your own method of instruction.

Discuss what specific parts of the lesson might be challenging for students and how you might help them overcome these obstacles.

In addition to your presentation, you will submit an outline of your findings/presentation to aid in
grading. is an example of how your outline should organized.
Example outline:
Introduction of topic
Analysis of instructional examples
Integration Of multiple into one unit
Challenges that students and methods to overcome