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What is ANCSA? Why is it important? Make sure to discuss the Tee-Hit-Ton case as well. 13 points—one-half page (.5) page minimum.


You should use Times New Roman 12-point font, one-inch margins, and double-spaced line spacing


You should cite when you use class notes, class texts, or refer to allowed web sites. It is adequate to cite for example as follows: (text, p. 74), (class notes, 9/15), or (insert web site address URL here). I take off many points for no or too few citations! You do not need any sort of bibliography or works cited, as I know exactly which sources you are referring to. This simple internal citation means that I can pinpoint where you are getting your sources.

Now write out “question one” as I show below in a hypothetical answer:

Question one. After the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, a sitting Supreme Court Justice, President Barrack Obama nominated….

By writing “question one” out there is no way to have a numbering issue.

You are being graded on two key aspects of your work: thoroughness and quality of analysis. You must answer the questions that I asked you, as those questions are written. You will not receive points for “shooting the breeze” or answering a question that I did not ask.

Please do not use lists or bullets. Please use only proper paragraph form.

Question one: What are usufructuary rights? Why are they significant to this course? 13 points—one-half page (.5) page minimum. Hint: Make sure to look in your lectures for this term.

Question two: Why are water rights important to Native Americans? What are some of the issues relating to water rights in relation to Native Americans? Why are these issues important to Native Americans? 12 points—one-half page (.5) page minimum.

Question three: What are the Free Exercise Clause and the Establishment Clause? What re they important to Native Americans? Pick at least two cases mentioned in your text about this subject to include in your discussion. 25 points—one full page (1) page minimum.

Question four: What is ANCSA? Why is it important? Make sure to discuss the Tee-Hit-Ton case as well. 13 points—one-half page (.5) page minimum.

Question five: What is the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988? Why is it important? 12 points—one-half page (.5) page minimum.

Question six: Please discuss the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978. Please make sure to include Mississippi Choctaw Indians v. Holyfield (1989) and Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl (2013) in your discussion. 25 points—one (1) full page minimum.