Argument: (i) Limited/poor understanding demonstrated, and irrelevant material included; (ii) Some/minimal structure and argument present; (iii) Limited/analysis and criticality; merely describes sources;
Structure: (iv) An introduction which is confused or serves little purpose; (v) Little sense of paragraphing – paragraphs are too long or too short – main ideas and supporting material are confused; (vi) Poor Conclusion which serves little purpose or is missing;
Referencing: (vii) References limited/inappropriate;
Language: (viii) Many errors in grammar/ spelling/ syntax making it difficult/impossible to read.
Use of Sources: (ix) Some/minimal relevant sources and limited topic coverage; (x) Sources only occasionally/not at all integrated into the argument.
Additional assignment-specific guidance
Recommended outline
de Bono’s thinking system is recommended as a template for the reflective essay as outlined below:
Introduction (Blue hat)
– Briefly outline the focus of your assignment and line of argument
Research focus, approach and philosophical position (White hat)
– Introduce your research interests
– Describe your preferred (disciplinary) approach and its underlying philosophical position
– Link your research interests to a grand societal challenge
– Describe the different (disciplinary) perspectives which have explored that challenge
Initial impressions of working beyond disciplines (Red hat)
– Reflect on your initial impressions of the different (inter)disciplinary approaches you have considered
– Organise your discussion thematically, developing and illustrating each main point in turn
Strengths and opportunities (Yellow hat)
– Reflect on the potential strengths and opportunities of the different (inter)disciplinary approaches you have considered
– Link your discussion to the debates on mixed methods research and the (in)compatibility of different philosophical positions
– Organise your discussion thematically, developing and illustrating each claim in turn Weaknesses and threats (Black hat)
– Reflect on the potential weaknesses and threats of the different (inter)disciplinary approaches you have considered
– Link your discussion to the debates on mixed methods research and the (in)compatibility of different philosophical positions
– Organise your discussion thematically, developing and illustrating each claim in turn