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What is a different way one could expose study participants to humorous information?

Study Critique:

For this discussion board, please provide a thoughtful critique of the creativity study you participated in for Lab

• Did you like the way creativity was measured? Why or why not?

• What is a different way one could measure (i.e., operationally define) the dependent variable of creativity?

• Do you think watching the 8-minute-long Kevin Hart SNL monologue YouTube video was a good way to expose (i.e., operationally define) participants to the independent variable of humorous information? Why or why not?

• What is a different way one could expose study participants to humorous information?

• Overall, how realistic, or similar to real world situations do the materials used and procedures followed in the creativity study seem to you? Explain/elaborate on your answer.

• Describe one thing about the creativity study you would change to make the study better.