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Submit a 8-10 page (must be at least 8 pages of text; charts, graphs, photos do not count toward the 8 pages of text) paper that discusses a satellite program within your approved space agency.

Submit a 8-10 page (must be at least 8 pages of text; charts, graphs, photos do not count toward the 8 pages of text) paper that discusses a satellite program within your approved space agency. Include at least two significant challenges the satellite program faces and how you, if you had the authority, would address them. Also be sure to include recommendations or lessons learned.

What is it you want to conclude; that is, what is it you hope to learn and takeaway from the paper. A good paper identifies a problem or issue for which you will offer a solution or recommendations. For a historical paper, this would be lessons and what could have been done, should have been done, lessons that were not learned, or lessons that can apply recommendations for a current or future event.

Paper Format

Title Page
Table of Contents
Pages X-XX: Narrative

Remember, all Space Studies course papers require the use of the APA Style Guide. The narrative and references of your paper must be double spaced (except when using long quotations – more than four lines – which requires single spacing).

The minimum page requirement is related to the written portion of your paper – you can’t use pictures, charts, or graphs to fill up space to meet the minimum page length.

Cite resources in your paper in accordance with APUS requirements! The paper must include at least 9 references.

Don’t cite Wikipedia – it’s not an appropriate source for college papers!
If the originality report returns a similarity of 20% or higher, it may result in a deduction from your score.