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What are the effective roles of International Agencies in supporting the Libyan health system during the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Words: 341
Pages: 2
Subject: Management

The main research question; What are the effective roles of International Agencies in supporting the Libyan health system during the Covid-19 Pandemic?

The Aim

The aim is to find the effective roles of International Agencies in supporting the Libyan health system during the Covid-19 Pandemic in order to extract the most effective actions and formulate recommendations for further coordination and cooperation


1) Identify the key challenges International agencies face in the Libyan context when planning and implementing policies and strategies, including management issues
Research question: What are the key challenges International agencies face in the Libyan context when planning and implementing policies and strategies, including management issues?

2) Find the implications for the health system as a result from this Pandemic.
Research question: What are the implications for the health system as a result from this Pandemic?

3) Ascertain how the local government is managing this crisis.
Research question: How is the local government managing this crisis?

4) Identify the pitfalls and successes of the local government’s strategic plan and implementation
Research question: What are the pitfalls and successes of the local government’s strategic planning and implementation?

The facts or information that need to be gathered and how it will be accessed.
Information on the tangible and intangible interventions provided by International agencies must be gathered especially the forms of coordination and communication, as well as challenges and barriers at the operational level must be investigated.

Tangible interventions include, for example, food and non-food supplements, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment’s, medical services as mobile medical units that provide primary medical care, WASH facilities, tents and power alternative as generators and solar energy.

Intangible interventions include, for example, provision of advocacy, mentoring, guidelines and recommendation provision for governmental institutes to overcome certain obstacle.

Different UN agencies have different roles and leads. UNICEF focuses on child health, WASH and vaccination, while WHO focuses on public health and IOM on migrant’s health.

Regular Health Bulletin, fact sheets and reports issued by the Health cluster which is formed of UN agencies and International Non-profit Organizations.