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Critically analyze and evaluate what you have learned about the key themes of the module and your own skills development during your study of W360 and by taking part in pro bono activities.


Words: 1064
Pages: 4
Subject: Law

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End-of-module assessment (EMA)
The cut-off date for the EMA is 12:00 midday (UK local time) on 3 June 2021. You must submit your EMA using the online TMA service.
There are two parts to this EMA. The total word limit for the EMA is 3000 words and this is divided as follows:

Part A – 500 words
Part B – 2500 words

Remember, all the words you use, including any quotations and citations, count. The reference list is not included in the word count. Your answers should be written in your own words. Any words used that exceed the overall word count for each part of the TMA will not be marked or commented on.

The EMA is submitted electronically through the online TMA system. Information about submitting your EMA is found in the booklet ‘Information for student submitting explainable work electronically’ which is found on the help centre of your Student Home page here: You must submit your work in accordance with the instructions given in this booklet.
The EMA counts for 65% of your OES.

EMA Question

Part A

Provide a narrative of up to 500 words summarizing your participation in pro bono activities.

Part B

Critically analyze and evaluate what you have learned about the key themes of the module and your own skills development during your study of W360 and by taking part in pro bono activities.
(100 marks)

Learning outcomes for the EMA
The EMA tests the following learning outcomes:


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knowledge and understanding of the key themes of the module
an ability to critically analyze and evaluate relevant topics and issues
an ability to take a critically engaged and reflective approach to the Open Justice activities, both in relation to the module themes and your skills development
an ability to write, present and reference your answer clearly and appropriately.

Advice on answering the EMA

The purpose of the EMA is to enable you to demonstrate your ability to reflect on the module, its key themes and the pro bono activities you have undertaken as a whole, and discuss the knowledge, understanding and skills you have developed. To answer this question you will need to refer to your participation in at least one form of pro bono activity and evaluate your experience in light of at least one of the module themes.

The term ‘pro bono activity’ can include not only the Open Justice activities, but also any other law-related pro bono work you are, or have been, involved with outside of this module.The key themes of the module, covered in detail in Blocks 1 and 4 are:
social justice professional identity legal values and ethics.

You should present your answer to both parts A and B in one document. You should write in continuous prose in complete sentences and paragraphs. You should write part A in the first person and you can write part B in either the first or third person. You should divide your document into sections with clear headings. Think about the structure of the document and make sure that you:
Include an introduction, clear sections and a conclusion written in full sentences and paragraphs throughout.

The introduction can be at the start of your EMA or after Part A.
Organize and write it so that it covers both parts A and B as separate sections (you may choose to divide Part B into a number of different sections, using subheadings, given its length).

Provide a clear and detailed summary of what you have done and what you have learned.
Think about the areas covered by TMAs 01, 02 and 03 but do not just duplicate what you have previously

You may use any logical and coherent structure as long as you clearly identify Part A (the narrative summary) as a separate section.

There is guidance on reflective writing in Unit 1.

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Your answer to part A of the EMA should include:
a section of up to 500 words providing a narrative summary of your participation in at least one form of pro bono activity. This should outline the nature of the project(s) and provide a detailed account of your involvement. Your tutor will use the information available to them to check the accuracy of your summary.

Your answer to part B of the EMA should include:

a critical evaluation of one or more of the module’s key themes
examples of how your participation in pro bono activities demonstrated specific strengths and weaknesses examples of specific situations you have encountered which illustrated key themes or required specific skills extracts from your Open Justice portfolio (if you have recorded these using the Audio Recording Tool you will
need to transcribe them into writing for the EMA) examples of the ways in which you are going to use your knowledge, understanding, experience and skills in

In Part B you should ensure that any descriptions of events or experiences are brief to allow sufficient words for your critical reflection. You will find guidance on reflection and a description of the reflective process you need to undertake in the Introduction to W360. You should include all three phases of the reflection process described in section 3 of the Introduction to W360; describe, question and look forward. There is further guidance on reflecting on skills in Unit 2, and guidance on reflecting on key themes in Unit 3.

Include a reference list. You are required to refer to at least one extract from your Open Justice portfolio.

You should refer to what you actually wrote at the time, you are not required to add to or edit your writing (other than to select extracts of a suitable length). You should label them as ‘Extract 1’, ‘Extract 2’ and ‘Extract 3’ as appropriate. Your reference list should consist of full details of each extract chosen in the following format:
Surname, Initial. (year) ‘[Extract [number]]’, originally written [insert date].

For example:
Jones, E. (2020) ‘Extract 1’, originally written 9 January 2020.

Further guidance will be provided in the W360 20J EMA ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ document, which will be available on the Assessment page of the W360 website at least six weeks before the EMA deadline.