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Produce a business report of 2,000 words analysing the organisational context and providing strategic HR recommendations.

Writing a Business Report

  • Purpose: To inform the reader about something. Investigation & solution to a problem.
  • Audience: Writing as a consultant to a manager of a company with proposed solutions.
  • Structure of a report: To the point & use of subheadings throughout.

Executive Summary: A summary of the whole report and should be the last thing you write.

Table of Contents: Detailing what section appears on which page number.

Introduction: Some background context to the subject matter.

Main Content: Some or all: literature or context, methods, results, discussion, recommendations.

Conclusion: The most important points of the report & recommendations, solutions or findings.

References: A list of analytical models, and other sources.

 Writing a Business Report

Executive Summary: A summary of the whole report, the last thing you write. (10%)

✓ Provides a concise overview of the main themes.

✓ Should be able to be read as a stand-alone section.

✓ Should reflect the topic or question, the methodology, key findings and conclusions.

✓ Is not a detailed discussion – includes the bare bones.

✓ References should NOT be included.

✓ Is written in the past tense (e.g. data showed, research found etc.) in the third person.

✓ Goes at the start of the report but is written after the report has been finished.


Some background context to the subject matter. (8 – 10%)

✓ Should explain what the report is about – this shows understanding of the brief.

✓ Should explain why the report is being written – What is known already?

✓ Should clearly articulate the scope of the report.

✓ Is written in the present and future tense (e.g. shall, will etc.) in the third person.

✓ Is numbered 1.0 and comes after the Summary

Main Body: 70% – Conclusions: 5-10%                       – BE CONCISE AND TO THE POINT! –


Produce a business report of 2,000 words analysing the organisational context and providing strategic HR recommendations

Your report should include:

Ø An executive summary

Ø An introduction to the report

Ø An external and internal analysis with particular attention to HRM issues

Ø A conclusion

Ø A recommended HR strategy /approach that will respond to the issues identified. Your recommendations should be based on your conclusions, justified and have consideration for cost, resource and practicality

Ø A reference list