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Thinking about the personality theories that you learned in this course, define two personality theories that resonate with you most. Which two theories do you feel connected to?

Neo-psychoanalytic theory & Humanistic theory

Final Paper Reflecting on the discussions and assignments that you have completed over the course, determine which theory of personality and scales/assessments you feel that you really connected with.
Which theory resonated with you and helped you identify elements of your personality?
For your final paper, choose two theories and scales/assessments that you want to explore further.

Thinking about the personality theories that you learned in this course, define two personality theories that resonate with you most. Which two theories do you feel connected to?

Using the course textbook and other resources, define and conceptualize both theories. What is the definition of each theory? What are the concepts that each theory uses to define the development of personality?

Choose two personality assessments that you have completed over this course related to the two theories of personality that you chose in Step 1 above (e.g., the Big Five, Myers-Briggs, another from Test Yourself!, etc. ). You may also use other questionnaires that are in the course textbook that were not used as a part of the discussions and assignments. Write about the results of your assessment and how it defines your personality. Provide real-life examples of how the results relate to your personality.

Do you think the results are an accurate depiction of your personality? Why or why not?

Connecting the pieces: Why did you choose the specific personality theories and personality scales? Why do you think the theories and scales resonate with you most?

What have you learned about your personality? Based on what you have learned over the course of the semester and about your specific personality, what can you do to help attribute to positive growth within yourself? Provide examples of what you can do to personally grow.