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How long were eggs in sucrose and when were they weighed. Write about the hypothesis and methods used.

Osmosis Lab Report


1. Single-spaced, 1” margins on all sides, page numbers
2. Size 12 point font in Time New Roman or Arial
3. Use bold, numbered headings for each section
4. Use complete sentences in paragraph form
5. You are not graded on the ‘right’ result—the data is what it is. You are graded on your analysis of the result in relation to your hypothesis.
6. Submit to Assignments folder on D2L by due date


a. State hypothesis for experiment (what will happen and why, based on the intro?)
3. Methods
a. State specific methods used during experiment, including (be thorough)…
b. How were eggs prepared (vinegar w/ 3% acetic acid)
c. What were the %’s of sucrose used
d. How long were eggs in sucrose and when were they weighed
e. How was data collected

Write about the hypothesis and methods used.