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Section One – Rights

Undertake some research and identify the legislation and policies in your placement that are about treating the adult/child equally and fairly. 31K1 32K1 33K1 (301K1)

Explain what your role is when you are promoting the individual’s rights to make choices and decisions in relation to their health and well being.

Your role and responsibilities are defined within the SSSC codes of practice for social service workers. Use a relevant quote for each area. 31K2 32K2 33K2 (301K2)

Provide a short example of something you have done to maintain an individual’s rights. (Write in the first person and past tense)
You could use past work experience here.

The Health and Social Care Standards define what organisations should have in place to support people to exercise their rights. Identify at least two relevant standards. (31K6) (301K6)

Look at the Health and Social Care Standard Principle “Be Included”


Identify some specific conditions that might impact on the way individuals communicate. In your response explain how each condition could impact on a child or adults development of communication skills (31K24) (301K26) (301K38)

Provide two examples from your placement where you have used different methods to communicate with a person you are supporting. This should be written as a short reflective account. (31K25) (301K27) 31K39 301K42 301K44

Consider the use of verbal and non-verbal communication.

Describe the environment that is appropriate for a private conversation. (31K41) 301K45

Explain why communication is important in a social care setting (31K37) (301K25)

In your own words explain what is meant by person centred or child centred practice (31K11) (301K11)

Section 2 – Health and Safety

Write a short paragraph in which you explain the policies and procedures within your placement or workplace for monitoring health, safety and security. In your written response identify the legislation that is relevant to your practice in social scare (31K26) (301K29) (32K7)

Write a short reflective account about a specific situation where you have used your knowledge and understanding of your placement health, safety and security polices in practice.
Signing into your placement each morning
Fire evacuation procedures

Infection control is important for all areas of practice. Describe something that you have done to minimise the risk of contamination within your placement. (31K27) (301K30)


Handwashing Procedures

There will have been an occasion when you have asked for additional advice and support. Provide an example from your practice where you describe such a situation. 31K20 (301K20)
What questions did you ask on your first day of placement or work?

In your own words define your employer’s role and responsibilities for health and safety (These are defined on the health and safety posters in all workplaces) or within the SSSC codes of practice for employers of social service workers. 32K9

Section three – Handling Information

Access your organisations policies and procedures for the confidentiality of information. Explain the relevant legislation, regulations and policies that you were required to follow when you accessed, updated or passed on information within your placement/workplace. 31K32 301K35

It may not be possible to maintain confidentiality in specific circumstances. Please write a short paragraph in which you explain when you would pass on information. 31K34
Access your adult or child protection procedures

Identify one quote from the SSSC codes of practice for social service workers that define your responsibility for maintaining confidentiality within your placement.

Make a record of a health and social care standard that is relevant to maintaining confidentiality within your placement.

Section Four – Safeguarding

Look at the SSSC codes of practice and identify a quote that defines everyone’s responsibility for reporting harm, abuse and discrimination. Record the quote below:

31K28 301K31

Identify some of the signs and symptoms of harm and abuse 31K29 (301K32)

Having read your placement polices tell me when and how you are required to report potential abuse or poor practice. 31K30 (301K33)

When your project is complete you will be able to claim common knowledge and performance criteria. This will support you to progress your SVQ units.


You will upload your completed project onto OneFile. Your assessor will be available to assist you with this.