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Conduct an organizational needs assessment to identify a current technological business problem or an opportunity found within the firm.


This assignment was Implementing Robotic Process AutomationConduct an organizational needs assessment to identify a current technological business problem or an opportunity found within the firm. in the US Army for Cyber Security/ Information Technology.

Identify a firm within an industry that you may be familiar with, one that is of interest to you, or one that can be researched easily.

Conduct an organizational needs assessment to identify a current technological business problem or an opportunity found within the firm.

Identify and define the problem/opportunity and assess the current state of the firm surrounding the problem/opportunity. (Use the following to begin your statements: “The general problem/opportunity is…” and “The specific problem/opportunity is…”). Discuss the gap between the problem/opportunity and the current state of the firm, incorporating a discussion that impacts the firms internal and external stakeholders.

From your analysis, develop an organizational improvement plan by discussing a technology-based initiative that could address the problem/opportunity while also improving the organization’s overall strategy, structure, and performance. No recommendations are needed for this assignment, only a plan of potential actions.

Students are to prepare a 12 – 15 (Max) slide presentation. Presentation slide count does not include the title, reference, or appendix slides. Each slide should have brief, key points displayed with images that visually tell the story. For MM or fully In-class sessions, students are required to present to the class; for Online mode, students are to tell their story through an audio format.