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Demonstrate your understanding of the procedures and principles of medicine management.

Unit: F9D9 34 Administration of Medication

Assessment Brief

You are required to produce an integrated case study. It will have three distinct sections which relate to the Learning Outcomes for this unit.

Section 1: Demonstrate your understanding of the procedures and principles of medicine management.

Section 2: Describe the signs and symptoms of adverse reactions to medications.

Section 3: Explain the principles of safe administration of medication.

Within each section you should ensure you cover all requirements within the marking sheet which is provided on the following pages. It is expected that your completed submission will be between 2000-2500.
You should base your responses on an individual you have worked with (remember to anonymise all people and place names). Alternatively, you may discuss each point in general terms without specific reference to an individual.

Your submission should be word processed. You should acknowledge your sources using Harvard Referencing.

Satisfactory unsatisfactory Comments

LO1: Demonstrate your understanding of the procedures and principles of medicine management

1.1 Define and describe the care principles and values that apply when supporting individuals.

1.2 Evaluate the role and function of care planning in relation to medication including obtaining consent

1.3 Identify the legal requirements for the handling and storage of a client’s medication.

1.4 Describe three possible types of storage for medication.

1.5 Explain how to complete medication administration records or protocols accurately in line with organisational and legal requirements, policies and procedures.

LO2: Describe the signs and symptoms of adverse reactions to medications.

2.1 Identify and describe the procedures which could be used to monitor a client’s condition.

2.2 Describe two physiological measurements which could be used to monitor the effect of a client’s medication.

2.3 Explain two possible allergic reactions care workers might observe in a client.

2.4 Explain the action care workers should take if an adverse reaction occurs.

2.5 Describe two potential consequences of poor hygiene and infection control in the administration of medication.

LO3: Explain the principles of safe administration of medication.

3.1 Identify and explain safe practice in preparing for the administration for three types of medication including self- medicating.

3.2 Describe three possible routes for the administration of a client’s medication. Explain why dosage, timing and frequency are important.

3.3 Identify two different types of equipment that could be required to administer a client’s medication. Explain safe practice when using this equipment.

3.4 Describe the procedures for disposal of unused medicine and equipment

3.5 Describe the procedure for reporting medication errors

3.6 Explain the process used to check and confirm that the individual actually takes the medication

3.7 Explain the medical and legal implications of both refusal to take medication and covert medication.

Overall Result/Feedback: PASS /REMEDIATE
