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Critically examine state-of-the-art scholarship of the selected group project topic as well as limitations of data utilization for urban resilience.

Individual Project Report – Project on: Australian Bushfire

-a reflexive written piece that presents concisely the group work project.

-describing all phases went through, including:

-Introduction and motivation of the topic covered.

-Related literature and justification of research question (including external references to course readings and other sources such as academic articles, books, policy documents etc.);

– Description of the datasets, tools and methods used;

– Presentation of the main results and findings of the group project;

– Discussion of results, including comparisons with previous work in the
literature/practice and what you could have done in extension of the project;

-Conclusion, including a critical appreciation of the potentials and limits of the use of data-driven methods/GIS/citizen-generated data in the context of urban resilience and disaster risk reduction.

Your individual report can make use of everything you generated as a group, but the report is individual and should emphasise your personal reflections and contributions to the group 9 project. You are also very welcome to cite additional literature and introduce new results/maps (achieved after the group project presentation)

Assessment Criteria for the Individual Project Report

– demonstrate thorough understanding of the theoretical concepts introduced and discussed during the module.

-critically examine state-of-the-art scholarship of the selected group project topic as well as limitations of data utilisation for urban resilience.

-Proven familiarity with geospatial data and selection methods for analyzing and visualising them.

-Proven familiarity and understanding of geospatial data analysis tools and techniques introduced throughout the course and a basic understanding of QGIS.

– understand and critically appreciate the opportunities and limitations of citizen generated data to support urban resilience and disaster risk reduction in particular case studies, demonstrated through your reflections on the group project, additional references used in the report, quality of writing material and overall structure of the report.