Answer in 2-3 sentences.
- How would you segment the Indian automobile market? Where will the Nano have the most appeal?
- How should the Nano be positioned?
- Will the Nano cannibalize Indica and Tata’s other popular models?
- What are the economics of the Nano for the channel (component suppliers, manufacturer, dealers, etc.)?
- Should Tata’s sales and distribution strategy be changed for the Nano? Is the planned distribution model of local assembly feasible?
- Will Tata be able to ensure quality and consistency? How important is car quality for the Nano? How important is service?
- How do you evaluate Nano from various perspectives (Tata Motors, prospective consumers, society)?
- What is the value of the media coverage the Nano has received?
- What is the global expansion strategy for the Nano?
- Talk about the company and what they’re trying to do with this new product.