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Outline how your team approached the task. How did you communicate? How were differences of opinion resolved? How were decisions made? How were roles allocated?



Reflection is a process of evaluating experiences and thinking about how things could be done better next time. It is an activity that is encouraged in many professions because it leads to improvements in performance. Indeed, many employers and accrediting bodies require it as part of professional practice.

You are required to write a reflective account of what you learned as a result of the team research project carried out as part of this module. This should not be an account of the methods used and findings of the research, but rather an account of what you learnt about your own preferences for role within a team and preference for different activities.

You should use Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle as a structure for the reflective account, and include the following sections

1. The experience (Facts – What happened?)

Outline how your team approached the task. How did you communicate? How were differences of opinion resolved? How were decisions made? How were roles allocated?

2. Your reflection (Feelings – What did I experience?

What did you find encouraging and positive, and what did you find difficult? What were some of the things that got in the way of success? What were some things that helped you succeed? What could you have done differently to improve the situation?

3. Conceptualisation (Findings – Why did this happen?)

Use your understanding of your own personality and team role preferences to identify why you found some aspects of the team project more difficult, and other aspects more enjoyable. Use the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and Belbin Team Roles evaluations and identify your own personal ‘type’ and preferred ‘team role’. Relate these to your experience and reflections on the team project.

4. Implications and planning (Futures – What will I do?)

Outline your key findings with reference to your natural preferences and how these might inform your own personal and career development. You might like to look at some of the online resources that link Myers Briggs Type Indicators to particular types of profession.