Now that you have completed the Cause and Effect and 5 Whys portion of the Risk Assessment project, it is time to complete the portion of the Risk Asssessment, called, the Flowchart. In the flowchart, you are going to map out the process for a solution to the issues you have identified from the Norton case. You identified the issues in your previous two assignments, so now you need to demonstrate the workflow that could have prevented the death of the patient. You needs to include AT LEAST FIVE Steps and decisions in your flowchart.
You will start your analysis by graphically describing the solution using a process map or flow diagram. The process map or flow diagram (flowchart) visually depicts the process solution in sequential steps as an aid to analyzing the solution. If the solution is very complex, select one portion of the solution for this exercise. In the next module, once the steps are sequentially mapped out, you will identify potential failure points with the solution.
Read the Norton vs. Argonaut Insurance Company case.
Follow the IHI Toolkit Flowchart – Instructions.
Create a Flowchart on your own or using the Flowchart Template.
Map the process in a flow diagram to identify its component steps.
Include a minimum of five (5) steps
Include a minimum of five (5) decision points
Use standard process map symbols.
Assign each step a number.
Save the process map as a figure.
Insert the figure into a Word document