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Provide a summary and analysis of their chosen article, answering the following eight questions: Why was this study undertaken?

peer reviewed journal article summary

1) Article Summary – Students are to choose one out of the five research articles provided in the Assessment 2 area in Blackboard (a systematic review, a Randomised Controlled Trial, a comparative study, a case report, and a qualitative study) and undertake a summary and analysis of the article using the questions provided below.

Students must provide a summary and analysis of their chosen article, answering the following eight questions:

1. Why was this study undertaken?

2. What were the aims or hypotheses?

3. Who were the study participants, and do they match the population?

4. What was the study design?

5. What were the overall outcomes?

6. Were sufficient implications for clinical practice discussed?

7. What ethical considerations were addressed, and/or not addressed, in the article?

8. Where does this study sit on a hierarchy of evidence?