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Share your thoughts about the faith leader interview with Shih Ying-Fa. What interested or surprised you about his own story as well as his comments about Buddhism?

1) Watch the following three videos and answer the following questions about only ONE of the videos, which you choose to talk about.

a) the Sand Mandala video


b) the Hindu Temple dedication video


c) the Buddhist meditation interview


What did you find to be interesting or surprising in the video? Did the fact that the monks “messed up” the sand mandala feel frustrating or spiritual? If you watched the Hindu Temple video, what did you think of the young woman’s comment that the various gods and goddesses help her see the divine in all people? Finally, did the meditation interview spark any memories of your own meditation practice (if you have one) or lead you to want to try meditation?

2) Share your thoughts about the faith leader interview with Shih Ying-Fa. What interested or surprised you about his own story as well as his comments about Buddhism?

Faith Leader Interview with Shih Ying-Fa (Interview with Professor)