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Discuss the position taken by Bryan Stevenson on the United States Criminal Justice System. Discuss in detail whether you agree or disagree with Stevenson.

Sociology Question

  1. What are the three major theoretical perspectives/theories in sociology? Please describe in detail the main ideas associated with all three of the theoretical perspectives/theories.
  2. Who is C. Wright Mills? Discuss in detail what is meant by the term Sociological Imagination.
  3. Discuss in detail the work and contribution to the field of Sociology of Herbert Spencer, Max Weber, W.E.B. Dubois, Harriet Martineau, and Jane Addams.
  4. Discuss in detail Emile Durkheim’s position on crime? Discuss in detail whether you agree or disagree with Durkheim.
  5. Discuss the position taken by Bryan Stevenson on the United States Criminal Justice System. Discuss in detail whether you agree or disagree with Stevenson.