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Nursing Evolution: Meeting the AACN Essentials in Practice


As I approach the culmination of my nursing education journey, reflecting on the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials and their impact on my growth as a nurse is imperative. The AACN Essentials serve as the foundation for nursing education, guiding students to develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies needed for effective nursing practice. This paper explores how I have met each of the AACN Essentials throughout my nursing program, drawing evidence from my didactic, skills lab, and clinical experiences.

Essential I: Patient-Centered Care

Patient-centered care emphasizes the delivery of compassionate, culturally sensitive, and holistic care that respects the uniqueness and dignity of each patient. According to DeWitt and Peele (2020), patient-centered care involves recognizing the patient as a partner in care decisions. During my clinical rotations, I had the opportunity to interact with diverse patient populations. For instance, in a medical-surgical unit, I cared for a patient from a different cultural background. By taking the time to understand their cultural beliefs and preferences, I tailored my care approach, enhancing their overall experience.

Essential II: Teamwork and Collaboration

Effective teamwork and collaboration are integral to providing safe and quality patient care. Collaborative practice involves communicating effectively with other healthcare professionals to achieve positive patient outcomes. Drayton and Daun-Barnett (2018) highlight that collaboration leads to improved clinical decision-making. In a skills lab session, I participated in a simulation exercise that required interdisciplinary collaboration to manage a deteriorating patient. This experience helped me understand the value of shared knowledge and the importance of effective communication among team members.

Essential III: Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice (EBP) involves integrating the best available evidence with clinical expertise and patient values to inform healthcare decisions. EBP enhances patient outcomes by promoting informed decision-making. According to Fineout-Overholt et al. (2020), EBP helps bridge the gap between research and practice. In a clinical setting, I encountered a patient with a complex wound. By consulting evidence-based guidelines, I was able to select appropriate wound care interventions, resulting in improved healing outcomes.

Essential IV: Quality Improvement

Quality improvement (QI) focuses on continuous assessment and enhancement of healthcare practices to optimize patient care outcomes. QI initiatives involve analyzing data and implementing changes to enhance safety and efficiency. Hauck et al. (2018) emphasize that QI efforts lead to enhanced patient satisfaction and safety. During a clinical rotation, I participated in a unit-based QI project aimed at reducing medication errors. By implementing barcode scanning technology, we achieved a significant reduction in errors and improved patient safety.

Essential V: Safety

Patient safety is paramount in healthcare practice. Nurses are responsible for identifying and mitigating potential risks to patients. According to Sherwood and Drenkard (2019), prioritizing safety fosters a culture of trust and accountability. In a clinical setting, I encountered a patient at risk for falls due to mobility issues. By implementing fall prevention strategies, such as hourly rounding and bedside alarms, I ensured the patient’s safety and minimized the risk of falls.

Essential VI: Informatics and Technology

The integration of informatics and technology in nursing practice enhances communication, data management, and clinical decision-making. According to Dykes et al. (2018), informatics supports timely access to accurate patient information. During my clinical rotations, I used electronic health records (EHRs) to access patient data, monitor vital signs, and document care interventions. This experience enhanced my proficiency in using technology to support patient care.


As I reflect on my nursing evolution journey, it is evident that each AACN Essential has played a crucial role in shaping my growth as a nurse. Through a combination of didactic learning, skills lab practice, and clinical experiences, I have gained a comprehensive understanding of how these essentials contribute to effective nursing practice. Meeting the AACN Essentials has prepared me to provide patient-centered, evidence-based care while collaborating with interdisciplinary teams, ensuring patient safety, and leveraging technology to enhance patient outcomes.


DeWitt, D. E., & Peele, P. B. (2020). Patient-Centered Care. In StatPearls . StatPearls Publishing.
Drayton, K., & Daun-Barnett, N. (2018). Interprofessional collaboration and practice as transformational leadership. Journal of Leadership Studies, 12(1), 51-54.
Fineout-Overholt, E., Melnyk, B. M., Stillwell, S. B., & Williamson, K. M. (2020). Evidence-Based Practice, Step by Step: Critical Appraisal of the Evidence: Part I. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 51(2), 52-60.
Hauck, S., Winsett, R. P., & Kuric, J. (2018). Nursing’s role in ensuring patient safety. AORN Journal, 107(6), 662-672.
Sherwood, G., & Drenkard, K. (2019). Quality and safety in nursing: A competency approach to improving outcomes. John Wiley & Sons.
Dykes, P. C., Stade, D., Dalal, A. K., Clements, M., Collins, S., Chang, F., … & Bates, D. W. (2018). Strategies for managing mobile devices for use by hospitalized inpatients. Applied Clinical Informatics, 9(02), 353-362.