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Provide a description of Presenting Issues 2 Presenting problem that brought the client come for treatment? Why now?

Client Assessment Paper: 5-6 page. Worth 25% of your final grade.

Pick a client who is diagnosed with a trauma disorder (example of diagnosis: PTSD, Complex PTSD, Developmental Trauma Disorder, or a survivor of inter generational trauma or of relational trauma) and describe the key presenting issues.

Then write an assessment/evaluation of the client using the assigned readings, including the diagnosis from the DSM 5 or from other sources (examples: Bessel van der Kolk, Dan Siegel, Alan Schore, all of whom talk about trauma disorders other than PTSD), and a biopsychosocial evaluation.

Then, write a role play (lasting 10 minutes) displaying some of the practice skills used in initial engagement. Use a fictionalized or real client from practice or placement.

All submissions are to be typed, double-spaced, with approximately 1” margins on all sides. Each assignment must draw from relevant class readings and classroom discussions, Citations and format of the paper must conform to APA style, with a full bibliography attached.

Paraphrasing and quotes from articles or book chapters need to be clearly referenced or it will be considered plagiarism. All written assignments should be prepared in Microsoft Word and emailed on the date due.


Concept: Max. points 25 An Excellent Paper Looks Like:
Grammar, punctuation, clarity of thought and clear paragraph outline, APA 3 Introductory paragraph, conclusion paragraph that have in depth understanding of the topic, no grammar mistakes, topic sentences in the beginning of each paragraph so know what you will be talking about in each paragraph, clear progression throughout the paper, APA standard writing (references, bibliography)

Description of Presenting Issues 2 Presenting problem that brought the client come for treatment? Why now?

Trauma Definition 1 Brief explanation of trauma

Assessment of Client’s Biopsychosocial-cultural issues 6 In depth understanding of client’s biopsychosocial factors-show at least 5 factors with in depth understanding of their significance to client’s life (why is it important to know about it?)

Assessment/Evaluation of Trauma Specific Issues 7 What are the trauma diagnosis from the DSM 5? What are the symptoms (have at least 4 symptoms) and how do they effect the client’s life (job/relationships/ability to function etc)? (include 3 life aspects)
10 minutes role play (dialogue) that shows how you engaged the client in the context of trauma 6 Show how the social worker asks questions in a way that engages a trauma survivor.

Show how the client responds (it’s ok if the client responded negatively.